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1832.06.28 - Mary D. Huntington to Bethia Huntington, Jun 28, 1832

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1832.06.28 - Mary D. Huntington to Bethia Huntington, Jun 28, 1832


Mary D. Huntington writes to her sister, Bethia Huntington, thanking her for a letter received from her. She goes on to discuss current events in her life at Miss Emma Willard’s School in Troy, New York. These events include, interactions and conversations had with her teachers Mr.Tucker and Mrs.Willard ranging in topic from religion and her studies to current town gossip concerning the recent death of two black townspeople. In discussing school lessons she mentions both French and learning to play the guitar. She then expresses her feelings concerning her family members, from hope for her sister Elizabeth’s plans to worry about her recent lack of correspondence with brothers Edward and William. She especially wants to hear Edward's advice on flowers. Finally, she concludes with caring sentiments about her parents and Fanny and reminds Bethia to write back soon.


Mary D. Huntington


Porter-Phelps-Huntington Family Papers (Box 20, Folder 7)
Amherst College Archives and Special Collections


June 28, 1832


Public domain.



Troy, June 28th 1832

My dear sister Bethia

I thank you for your kind sympathizing letter which I received yesterday together with one from Father. Again I am obliged to regret that I have inflicted any needless pain in the hearts of those I love. By the blessing of a kind providence, I am quite well again, and I desire to be thankful for this, and all the other services with which he has crowned my life.

Last evening Mr. Tucker called to see those who attend his church, and as he saw me at the bible class, he inquired for me and wished to see me. As I was going down I met Mrs.Willard, and went with her into her room, and so was prevented from seeing Mr.Tucker. Perhaps it is as well on the whole that I did not, for as he was acquainted with Pa’s sentiments he might have said something to injure my feelings.

I am much pleased with sister Elizabeth’s plan and hope it will succeed. Since this intelligence has been communicated to me, I have often thought of the loss we have sustained since we last saw her, and I doubt not you have thought of it too.

We have been reviewing for examination for some time, so that I think I shall not dread my French recitations as much as I imagined I should. I am not hurried at all at present, with my studies as you will perceive by my writing home so often.

What can be the reason brother Edward has not written to me yet? He is exactly the person whose ideas I want upon the subject of flowers, and I must have them. I cannot be satisfied with any thing less than three pages. Please, mention this to him. You do not know how disappointed I was, to find you had not condescended to give me one, solitary, thought upon my subject when I requested you to, so very particularly. Surely you thought I was in jest, or you would have complied with my request.

I have neglected to answer brother Williams french letters for various reasons but assure him that it was not from want of disposition but from a variety of very different circumstances. I intend now, however to bring myself to it soon.

Mrs. Willard told me last night that I could soon take lessons upon the guitar, but it is not likely that I shall make very rapid progress this term.

Matthew wrote me some time since that Marian had left you. Has she left for good, or is she coming back soon? If she is not coming back I should think you would like to take another. Saturday June 30th Mrs Willard mentioned at table this morning that two black woman [sic] had died very suddenly of late in Troy, and that she had sent to the attending physician to know if the disorder was cholera, and that he assured her [it crossed out] they died of intemperance, as they have been seen intoxicated for several days past.

We have sufficient to remind us every day we have, that “this is not our rest” O for a soul prepared to obey with joy the summons to depart, whenever they shall arrive. If dear Papa [knew how crossed out] & Mamma knew how comforting their letters are to me, they would not fail of writing. Many thanks to Fanny for her sweet little letter. I value it very highly, and shall keep it as choice as possible. Kiss her for me a great many times. Write very soon to your affectionate but absent sister

[ Mary D. Huntington]